
Monthly Archives: October 2013

Weekends’ happenings. It’s been a bit busy here to say the least. Here’s a quick overview.//


+ Taco Tour 2013: My girlfriends and I had been planning this weekend for a while with the idea of a taco tour being an main part of it. We each chose our own stop along the way: Wahoo’s, Tito’s Tacos, Pink Taco, Ricky’s Fish Taco (not shown), and Malo. We had such a blast making our way around town. Hopefully there’ll be a part 2 in our future.


+ We capped off our taco adventure with the John Mayer concert at the Bowl. I’m so glad his voice is back again; he sounded great!


+ Celebratory birthday brunch for Caroline at Malibu Cafe.

IMG_3121+ Enjoyed an absolutely amazing Avett Brothers concert at the Shrine. They are so fantastic live! I could watch them over and over again.


A quick 48-hour jaunt to Georgia took me and my family to see on of my oldest friends get married:

+ 6:00AM flights sure offer a gorgeous view despite being totally beat.

+ When in Atlanta, keep it local and grab a Coke.

+ Sending off the happy couple.

+ First time visit to Waffle House, which hasn’t made it’s way to CA yet.

Other notes//

+ Hope to catch up soon with some new stuff. Enjoy your day!

[photos via iPhone//Instagram @stephaniesuarez @carolineammann]