
Monthly Archives: July 2013

sandClipboard06 sandtitle“There was only one night game a year. On the 4th of July, the whole sky would brighten up with fireworks, giving us just enough light for a game. We played our best then because, I guess, we all felt like the big leaguers under the lights of some great stadium. Benny felt like that all the time. We all knew he was gonna go on to bigger and better games because every time we stopped to watch the sky on those nights like regular kids, he was there to call us back. You see, for us, baseball was a game. But for Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez, baseball was life.”

The Sandlot really is the best Fourth of July fim. Happy Independence Day, all! Cheers!



To kick off a bachelorette weekend, the bride-to-be requested that we get the group together and do the Color Me Rad 5K. Such a fun idea! These type of fun runs that are popping up everywhere aren’t running events at all (not even timed!), so it’s fun to get everyone involved at all fitness levels. We ran the length of the course anyway, only slowing down to get covered in the color zones.  If an event is happening in your town, grab some friends and check it out!

Weekend happenings//

Whoops, sometimes your very full, full-time job, along with your friend’s wedding planning and a few others things takes you away from the web for a minute. Here’s what the past three weekends have looked like around here:


+ Bestie brunches with my favorite ladies [sans a few] at Cliff’s Edge. Those pancakes were top notch.


+ Kicking off Father’s Day right at Roscoe’s for breakfast.


+ Wedding DIY #1: sewing burlap utensil holders for the reception. They’ll look something like this, I think.

+ Started off a bachelorette weekend with the Color Me Rad 5K. More photos to follow on this.


+ Wedding DIY #2: painting the bride’s burlap TOMS for the big day.

+ Ever binge on a really specific item for a while? No? Well,  I’m on a serious lemonade kick, which is so appropriate for the heat we’re having lately.


+ Spent my Saturday evening at Cinespia to see the film Badlands and celebrate a good friend’s birthday. If you’re in the Los Angeles area, I highly recommend going if you have a Saturday night open.

Other notes//

+ An interesting read on an opinion about not going to art school.

+ This Pinboard is so brilliant: the adventures of an imaginary toddler named Quinoa, as told through children’s fashion photos.

+ The periodic table of Muppets, just because.

+ See Monsters University yet? It is just too cute. Check out the school site Pixar put for it. So clever.

+ Have a great one!

[photos via iPhone//Instagram @stephaniesuarez]