
Monthly Archives: January 2013

Weekend happenings//GrandmaGrandpa+ Over the weekend I had to say goodbye to one of my, if not main, inspirations: my grandfather. This week will be spent celebrating the life of the greatest example of what it means to live by faith. My grandpa was a man of unparalleled character, tireless work ethic, and was persistent to do the right thing no matter how unpopular. Being named Perfecto is a lot of pressure, but Grandpa certainly exceeded it.

Other notes//

+ Join Vine yet? Get the app and follow me at @stephaniesuarez. Still looking for inspiration for my first video-so much pressure!

+ Catch SNL this week? Two clips I enjoyed: 1. Kenan as Ray Lewis.  2. YOLO.

+ Winter X flew by this weekend (I’m still catching up a little) , but how about my guy Shaun White?!

Weekend happenings//



+ Nothing to report here since it was a tight weekend shared with my family, but how indecisive is this weather? First we had this, now it’s rolling through the 70s.

+ How sweet are these Sandlot tees from The Forest Lab?

Other notes//

+ Raf Simons for adidas is headed our way. Doesn’t seem like we’ll be running short on collabs for a while.

+ So, we’re in for a Harbaugh Bro Super Bowl, Hockey’s back, and the Lakers are still ripping my heart. Sounds about right.

[photos via iPhone//SWGNT]


The Australian Open is in full swing and evidently this year’s dress code is yellow. Most of the color is courtesy of adidas, but I always enjoy observing seasonal palettes in individual sports, as opposed to just fashion in general. In addition to the sunny hues, purple showed up nicely on the ladies’ side. Also, despite the Aussie having a blue hard court, someone always seems to show up matching the arena. You’d think that brands and designers* would avoid it for that major, but it happens. Check out the guys after the jump. Read More


lacoste1Lacoste Lab has just released their latest round of goodies for 2013.  Although it was started in the name of innovation, I’ll confess that I still don’t completely understand the concept behind the program. Don’t mind looking though. Available at the always fabulous Colette.

Weekend happenings//Screen shot 2013-01-13 at 9.00.59 PMScreen shot 2013-01-13 at 9.02.30 PM



+ NFL players just don’t have the post-game outfits locked down like the NBA. Kaepernick wearing a beanie, oxford shirt, and hooded blazer. Lewis lookin’ like a reverend. [from yesterday.] Pulling for the Patriots in the Super Bowl since the Rams won’t be there for a while. Sad.

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+ Everyone have a good week while I’m busy repeating “Suit and Tie” and trying to digest it.

[photos via 1//2//3]

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You guys, I’m bursting with excitement for this launch. Although it doesn’t technically launch until tomorrow, Jan. 10th, the lookbook is available, so take a gander. Having had the opportunity to work first-hand on this line was an absolute pleasure, and I wish Roxy the best of success on it.

Screen shot 2013-01-08 at 11.35.19 PM Screen shot 2013-01-08 at 11.36.44 PM Screen shot 2013-01-08 at 11.36.46 PM Screen shot 2013-01-08 at 11.36.55 PM[source]

Weekend happenings//


+ After-work dinner at Mas Malo catching up with a friend.    + The cutest little lip balm ever.

+ Storing away all my CDs. Goodbye, *Nsync!                             + A fun find.

Other notes//


+ Anyone watch Downton Abbey? I’m so happy it’s back, and I don’t think I could love the Dowager more. This was my favorite shot.

+ I have a pretty healthy To-Do list going on, but I’m excited about it and trying to keep that spirit up. “Do it today” is my key phrase right now.

[photos via iPhone//Instagram @stephaniesuarez//source]