
Monthly Archives: April 2014

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Sometimes you get so busy that posts just aren’t going to make it as a priority, and, on the flip side, sometimes you finally find some free time and decide that it’s best to take advantage of that and just relax. As to not inundate with excessive catching up, here’s a glimpse of where I’ve been since I left off on my last Weekend Off Duty:


+ The 2nd Annual Wine Road barrel tasting weekend with some of my favorites. #buckleup2014 [See last year’s trip here.]ntc

+ The NTC Tour stop in Santa Monica was tons of fun! We definitely got hooked up between free Fuelbands, free Studio Wrap shoes and lots of great workout classes with master teachers. So, so fun and highly recommended!Processed with VSCOcam with k2 preset Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

+ Best night ever: Kings of Leon at the Fabulous Forum with my brother. We won pit passes, so it doesn’t get much better than that. Unreal.


+ Hiking Solstice Canyon on a perfect morning.

+ First Friday and dinos (!) at the Natural History Museum.

Other notes//

+ Lots of new Forever 21 Active for Spring popping up! We have some exciting stuff coming soon!

+ For the record: my bracket ended up being laughable. And I really want UConn to win tonight.

Cheers to a new week!

[photos via iPhone//Instagram @stephaniesuarez]