
Monthly Archives: May 2013

Weekend happenings//


+ The only way to celebrate the return of ‘Arrested Development:’ with a frozen banana.

+ An evening eating and dancing at the annual Greek festival.

+ A very welcome day off was spent poolside with my closest friends.

Other notes//

+ Did you know Cookie Monster’s real name is Sid? More random facts to be found over here.

+ I have a thing for making pinatas, but after seeing Whack Pinateria, I’ve got to really step my game up.

+ I’ll admit to not knowing who a lot of these celebs are, but I couldn’t stop scrolling through the Old Loves tumblr the other day.

Have a great, short week!

[photos via iPhone//Instagram @stephaniesuarez, friends]


It’s a sad day for my closet as the Quiksilver Women & QSW lines come to an end. Described as being “designed for young women with a coastal mindset and an independent spirit,” I’m disappointed to see it go since I felt it “got me” so well. Since it’s been one of my staple labels since its inception, I’m scooping up styles while I still can. The entire label is now on sale here.



Stephanie of Honey & Silk posted these guys, and they are just too darling to pass up. Unfortunately, they’re almost all sold out; if you’re looking for a “U” or “F”, then you’re in luck! As a substitute offering, designer Markus Lupfer has a beaded version available here. Seems like a very doable DIY, no?

Weekend happenings//


+ My latest purchase that’s sure to get an obscene amount of wear this summer.

+ Caught a showing of ‘The Great Gatsby’ on Friday. For me, it was just about exactly as I thought it might be: an eyeful and earful to take in, but an over all ‘ehh, okay.’ The soundtrack is fantastic, which I’ve had on repeat for a week, but it  kind of distracted me during the film.

+ For Mother’s Day, my family and I headed to the Getty Museum to explore for the afternoon. It’s been extra warm here lately, so the weather was perfect.

+ Have a terrific week!

[photos via iPhone//Instagram @stephaniesuarez]

Weekend happenings//


+ Saturday felt like an all day event as family and friends came together to celebrate my cousins’ birthdays. Perfect weather, a bounce house, and a surprise guest visit by fireman made for a busy and wonderful afternoon.

+ I’m so excited to test run the new Bumble and Bumble Surf Shampoo and Conditioner. I’ve been a devoted Surf Spray user for years, so I have big hopes for these products.

Other notes//

+ Wish I could’ve made a stop this year, but Supercross wrapped up this weekend. Congrats to Villopoto on another title!

+ I don’t know what took so long for Swiss-Miss to get in my life, but I’m so glad to have come across it.

[photos via iPhone//Instagram @stephaniesuarez, kristi marks]



Baggu’s Wetsuit Bag caught my eye on Acquire yesterday for two reasons: 1. I had no idea Baggu did more than simply bags [whoops], and 2. the idea of a wetsuit bag, although not something I’d purchase, was interesting. It’s fully seamed, sealed, and really shiny to make it sure your wetsuit doesn’t leak all over your car trunk and big enough to stand inside. Baggu has teamed up Pilgrim Surf and Supply to create a few beach day essentials: the aforementioned bag, a surf sling, and rack pads. I’m personally fine with the regular [read: cheaper] options that most surf companies offer, but I appreciate there being newer, more colorful options that stand out in the standard sea of black product.